Sunday, March 20, 2011

We want to hear from you!

Next episode we would like to answer some questions or respond to comments from the site. If you have something you would like to say, let us know!

Just post below and we'll discuss it on the show!


  1. I would very much appreciate a YouTube channel.
    It would be much easier to stay up to date with your podcasts as every time a new one would be released I'd just see it appear in my subs :p

  2. I listened to your review of Nocturne and I agree that his ult is a bit ridiculous. One thing I've been doing though, is BEGGING my teams in Ranked to get Quicksilver Sash. Is this a viable counter? It's a clense and costs about 1000 less gold than Banshee's Veil. The cool down is a bit longer, but I think the fact that the enemy can't see the obvious bubble makes up for it, since you can bait a wasted ult. Thoughts?

  3. Quicksilver Sash is a fantastic item in certain situations. I find myself getting it anytime I am having problems with champions with ults that stun/slow/silence for long durations such as Malzahar. Where Banshee's is pretty much a given in a lot of games, Quicksilver Sash is a lot more unexpected and can definitely catch the opposing champ off guard when you render his/her ult useless. For how cheap it is I am surprised that it isn't used much more often, but I know that sometimes people including myself in some situations forget to use on use items. So if you can use it appropriately I would definitely recommend it against certain teams.

  4. for the record, you can get more than a penta kill, its called a legendary kill


  6. Haven't listened to the podcast yet, just found it, but I suggest you guys link also the rss feed for non-itunes podcast clients, which would be

  7. I haven't listened to this yet, but I'm excited to do so. Thanks for snowolf, I was able to subscribe with google listen on my android phone. Have you considered generating an xml file so that it can be listed on google listen?

  8. The different Viable / Un-Viable Junglers / Jungler builds? I started jungling (Level 13) Nunu and loved it. People said they hated jungling but I roll with a shaco who helped me get blue buff because I didn't have enough runes to kill him by myself. I was and still am not the greatest, but just got Olaf and am liking his jungle, as well as laning capabilities. Also, would it be good for me to let Shaco have blue buff and lose that gank capability / exp?

    I'd like a full episode on Jungling and A LOT of tips on jungling. It seems like you guys love a good jungler and it helps the team a lot, but I find a lot of bad junglers.

    And my last question, What are your opinions on jungle 3v3? Characters? Jungle routes? Builds?


  9. Actually, I have a Jungle question as well. Is Wriggle's Lantern truly worth it? Seems like a great mid game purchase, and is truly efficient for it's cost, but to lose out on Madred's can be painful. Many times I've found myself purchasing only the Vamp Scepter and going Cutlass instead. The slow on the Cutlass is also extremely helpful for gankers.

  10. Hi, great podcasts! Easy to listen to at work, etc. My question has to do with learning new champions. In one of your early podcasts you talk about needing to be able to play 2 tanks, 2 junglers, 2 AP/2 AD carries, 2 support in order to be viable in ranked. What are some good champion choices to learn well before I start ranked? Right now, my main is Rammus (I'm mopping floors with him at lvl 20 solo queue) and I've dabbled with Lux/Sivir/ChoGath, but I want to start learning some different champions. In streams that I watch, it seems like every game has an Ezrael, Nunu, Alistar, Mundo, Nidalee, Sion, Janna, etc -- should I start with these?

    Part 2: What's an easy way to get a regular group to queue with before 30? My hope is just to cut down on the number of games I play that are ruined by random leavers or ragers -- the matchmaking system below lvl 30 in solo queue is so frustrating (does is ever get better?).
