Sunday, April 10, 2011

Episode 7

This week on MHS we talk about the upcoming Wriggle's  Lantern nerf, the melee re evaluation, and catalyst of the protector. We also answer questions from listeners, keep em coming!

Minions Have Spawned - Episode 7

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  1. I love your podcasts, I've been playing LoL for just a couple of months, and I'm starting to play it way more than I should. How much LoL is too much LoL?

  2. I don't have Lee Sin, but I was bored and wanted to do some theorycrafting. Would a build like this be good (items generally in the order given):,16,15,115,111,105&runes=36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,120,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,98,85,85,85&masteries=3100040000000003030400341301000000000000000&level=18

    Getting Quicksilver Sash if necessary around Hexdrinker. An ally gets Stark's. Spells: Exhaust/Cleanse. Substitutions on marks probably fine if they fit the general purpose.

    The theory is, once you have Randuin's, you're great in teamfights (while sacrificing no ganking power). Between Randuin's, Cripple, and Mallet, the enemies will be stuck in place and attacking very slow lowering overall DPS. So, you kick in, ground pound, cripple, randuin's (probably need to hit cleanse somewhere in here), move around, exhaust, dragon squishy back to teammates, shield out. You have enough damage to be dangerous, enough slow to get away, and enough magic resist/armor/ health to live.

    I would prefer your answer in text rather than on the show.

    Great show, BTW!

  3. I believe that Riot needs to implement clans! You guys should talk about a clan system. I loved that aspect of dota.

  4. Something else I wanted to say. You mentioned that Riot is always buffing/nerfing people into godhood/oblivion. This actually comes from a common game design theory going about the professional game design world. The idea is that you'll waste a whole lot of time trying to tweak some number to be just right.

    You'll be like, "That's not enough. Let's bump it up by 5." Then you'll test and be like, "That's still not enough, 5 more." And if the right amount is 50 more, it'll take you forever to get there. So, the idea is that, instead, you should go, "Fuck it, let's see if shit breaks if we double it."

    Which should hopefully be too much. So that now you have a range. "Ok, so, it should be more than 110 but less than 220." Then you think, "Is the real number I want closer to 110 or 220?" If you don't know, take right in the middle, otherwise, somewhere arbitrarily where you think it might be right.

    If you bump and bump and bump. You'll hardly notice a difference between bumps, making it hard to figure out when you've got it just right, but doubling you'll hopefully notice and is often closer to the answer you want than you may think.

    So, Riot is basically trying to insanely buff or nerf people to see, "Now, is this champ ludicrously OP?" or "Now, is this champ useless?" To get a min/max gauge for their heroes to help them figure out which numbers are right. Just, hopefully, they haven't forgotten about Gragas, lol.

  5. DevoNL here.

    I would love to listen your builds on Jarvan IV and Irelia and what you guys think bout building Lee Sin tank? His skills look alot like tank skills to me.

  6. Sup dudes, doing good with your podcasts and the youtube vids. You talked about posting the podcasts on youtube i mean ill most likely use blogger still, cause I listen to it on my Iphone.

    You guys talked alot about what champs the three of you use alot which is very nice, but can you give your opinions on Warwick, Singed and Malzahar? Which happen to be my three favs atm. I'm still newish to LOL so any pro tips would help too.

  7. Great podcast as usual, I was wondering what you guys thought about TF, I think he is kinda crappy. Maybe its just me but he seems weak. Builds/strategy would be appreciated Thanks guys

  8. What are your thoughts on phantom dancer corki?

  9. So when do you guys plan on having guests on the show? (if ever)

  10. I heard rammus was still around...

  11. I love listening to your podcast and I'm happy to hear that you commented about "that Anonymous post with Teemo." Well that's me :) I took the time to not be Anonymous lol.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. Just wanted to make sure you guys saw this awesome post by Riot's president:

    Also, love the podcast, just wish it was longer :)

  13. @Qzip That's a very interesting build. I usually try to rush a Trinity force on him. I feel it gives you a great package (aside from mana). Then I'll try to go GA, Bloodthirster. I haven't really tried him that tanky before.

    @Justin Fitts That's a good question. I'm not quite sure on when that will happen. We'll have to see about that. It would definitely be interesting.

  14. I love your podcast, but I have to ask, do you guys discuss the pronunciation of some of the champions/items/etc prior to recording? Some of your pronunciations sound NOTHING like how I'd imagine things are actually pronounced.

  15. Funny you say that Anonymous, that was actually one of the first things we talked about on the first podcast we did. We just came to the conclusion that basically everyone pronounces everything differently. It always throws me off when I watch the official Riot videos and the pronunciations they use sound completely different than the ones I concluded were correct.

  16. Last I checked Tiamat worked with certain abilities...

  17. Wow, that was pretty funny. I never thought that those worked with those abilities. I was thinking I was gonna watch it against real players, but I guess not :(

  18. What do you guys think about the "Monkey King" Riot has just made a first look video for? I know there is nothing in the video actually about him, other than a blacked out appearance. Any speculation on what he could have to do with LoL?

  19. To add on to my earlier question, Maokai happens to be free this week and he got buffed not long ago. What are your thoughts on him in the higher end play? He is a ton of fun to play though.

  20. We actually just got done with our 8th episode. We talk about him getting buffed. Briefly touch up on him. I personally don't think he's that great of a champion. I haven't played him since the buffs. So, maybe he's better than he used to be? I dunno, but he's not really one of those champs I really like to play.
