Sunday, June 12, 2011

Episode 14

The wait is over! On this episode we discuss the new from the past couple weeks, some champion discussion, e3 / dreamhack thoughts, as well as some metagame analysis.

Minions Have Spawned - Episode 14

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  1. Finally finished watching it. Sucks that the mics didn't work out. Hopefully you can get that stuff worked out.

  2. I didn't think you guys were ever coming back. Good show. I don't remember if you mentioned this or not but gold per 5 items are going to be unique. This is the rumor I have heard as of late. No more philo stacking! HURRAY!

  3. Playing carries to get out of elo hell ftw. Was 1400ish elo after my first 10 games to get an elo and them immediately dropped all the way down to 900 elo by either playing crappy (I admit it.) or having teams that were so dumb. Luckily with games like the last one people do not understand how important creep score is. I had over double the next highest creep score and through the entire team on my back for the victory. Just now breaking through the 1100 barrier after going probably 20-2 in the last week or so!

  4. I'm still around!

    GF has been making me play WoW with her but I still find time to play LoL :)

    More questions for your next podcasts:
    1. What champion do you feel does NOT need flash as a summoner spell? If any which two spells do you get?
    2. How do you feel about Jax, he has moved to T3 on Elementz list?
    3. Do you think riot is going in the right direction in terms of tanky DPS? They made a huge effort to nerf champs/item/builds yet the next 2 heroes look like tanky dps again!
    4. Here about the inc Rumble nerfs? What do you guys think about that?

  5. Guys wheres the reference to Riot removing flash/changing flash? I can't see any forum posts or anything.

    Cheers & awesome podcast.

  6. Here's the link

  7. This is lulzsec, your website is going down.

  8. No, I Am lulzsec, you're going down.

  9. th3j33st3r here, i'm watching all of you

  10. I play a lot of League with my buddies, but I am pretty awful compared to them. I have to get by playing easymode champs all day. After playing them exclusively for weeks on end, I've experienced some success with Garen and Eve, my Vayne can be good (but everyone knows she's OP), and other than them I feed really hard. Can you recommend any other easy champs who I can play when I play with better players? I would learn Morde, but the other resident 'bad' has him covered.

    Thanks, and keep on podcasting!
