Sunday, May 15, 2011

Episode 12

This week we discuss the most recent patch notes and talk about Vayne, Rumble, Caitlyn, Warwick, and Amumu. We also bring on friend of the show Zugare! Enjoy the show and keep your questions and comments coming!

Minions Have Spawned - Episode 12


  1. *Incoming Huge Post*

    On Shen: Well, Phreak's later comment actually cleared it up much more than the preview video. He said that after numerous nerfs to Shen, he still remained the most popular and effective tank. They simply didn't want to decrease his tanking ability anymore and had to hit him somewhere.

    On Flash: I personally think it's detrimental to a team environment, but I know many champions like Alistar require it. With the new addition of the Roaming game, gank protection becomes a must, but many teams forget the importance of Teleport, Clairvoyance, Fortify, and Clarity. These are very team oriented summoners and if there wasn't Flash, there'd be better communication between players. "Gotta B, oom" "Np man, Clarity"

    I don't own Vayne, but I've seen some pretty awesome high elo streams on her. My favorite Vayne build is probably the Ghostblade build. When you grab Blue and have rank 5 Tumble, you gain 1.5 seconds of stealth and a 1.25 second cooldown tumble. This combo gives her crazy survivability in team fights as well as the Ghostblade bonuses.

    As for Gangplank, he feels a little more solid now, but it seems like he's become a niche champion like Heimerdinger. There are champions that teams build around, rather than an easily slotted "Tier 1" champion.

  2. LOL, I love how you go on about how Malphite was nerfed, when changing his shield recharge timer to 10 seconds from 12 is a buff xD

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I have a question for your next episode. Under what circumstances should a jungler leave his route and help a lane that may be in trouble? At what point should someone stop jungling?

    Lately I have been picking a jungle champ in solo queue, since I can help carry(or get the carry fed). Noc/Xin/Udyr/Rammus/Yi are my champs for such. The problems I see are certain people are just getting out laned by the other team, and a lot of the time they yell at me to stop jungling and help them. Either I'm not ready, or me going there probably won't make the difference(aside from screwing over my XP/Gold).

    What are your thoughts on this problem.


  5. I just tried to combine 2 level 3 runes I had gotten from combining excess level 2 runes (as I'm getting rid of them). One of them was an AD seal and the other a flat mana regen mark. I got... drum roll... a flat mana regen mark. FML!

  6. The only time I used the rune combiner I think I actually got something useful like an HP quint or something!

    Great question Horror, we will definately go over that on this next show :)

  7. So I remember you talking about Elementz's tier list a couple episodes ago. How's about some bragging rights about Soraka being Tier 1 now?

  8. Is it just me or does every mord that demands mid always suck? I have yet to see a single good mord in mid, but they all act as if it belongs to them and it's theirs to claim. Mord is a good champ, but I just haven't seen many good ones. The good ones I have seen, however, never demand mid or even think about going mid.

  9. I've seen solo top mord. Even vs 2. And that goes fairly well. It's pretty hard to shut down mord's farm. If he can get within spitting distance of the creeps, then you're just hitting his shield, which keeps regenerating. The problem I see with a solo mord is that, alone, he can't kill anyone unless he's farmed up into the stratosphere. Then, when a team fight comes, he's just ignored because he doesn't do that much damage and he's not worth wasting your damage on since he can take it (unless he's going straight AP, in which case, laugh, and then one-shot him).

  10. Karthus is one of my main AP for normal, he isnt a bursty type AP, he does a ton of damage over time and is actually hard to kill. Similiar to Swain, his E deals a lot of damage with Q spams in team fights, and yes when you die its not that bad because you can normally cast a 2nd Wall and spam away, E also does not turn off so that is 1 less button to press when you die :) Ghost/flash then you build a RoA first to makes you really tanky and hard to kill, you dont need to rush archangel, hes got great mana refund already, you just need that HP.

    I've been play Vanye as well, she is really fun to play! She feels more assassin like for me, I like to get in and get out after i unload my damage. T-force is the way to go, i get a BT or a BC or banshees to make tumbling shenanigans even better!.

  11. Argh - this is like the 5th time my comment doesn't show up.

    I don't remember what all my previous comment was on, but I did want to point out that Vayne's passive is NOT the true damage - it's the bonus when you're facing an enemy champ (I think it's only run speed). Her W is Silver Bolts which is the true damage on 3rd hit.

  12. I'm sorry, sometimes we mix our words up! Her passive is extra run speeds when near enemy champs. I think I meant to say it's her w's passive. At least that's kinda how I treat it :)

  13. I love your podcast, it's fun, informative, and not really "lame" like some gaming podcasts. You just seem like normal guys who happen to play League! The only thing that annoys me is perhaps the 15 second jingles, though they're getting better.

    I don't know if you've heard of it, but there is at least one another LoL podcast out there, "25 minutes to surrender". I prefer yours, and I would like to see you exert your domination further by challenging them to and beating them in a 3 game match. Good publicity for all!

  14. Yeah, we've heard of them Broheme. They kind of inspired us to put out our own podcast. Well, all the podcasts we listened to did haha! As for a game of LoL with them...challenge accepted. We'd probably even stream the games. Just need both parties in on this. We could even come up with some name for the event! Ideas!?

  15. From Spawn to Surrender.
