Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nunu Video Part 2

Part 2 is up on Youtube! Let us know what you think about the guide and youtube channel, and what champs you would like to see us highlight. Make sure to get in your vocaroo and blog questions by Saturday for the podcast!

Autech's Nunu Video Guide Part 2


  1. Very nice, I need to pick up a real jungler, and Nunu has been one of the ones I considered. Probably will go with him now that I know a bit more about him than others.

  2. Any comments about Oracles for Nunu? Is that mostly a pre-made thing for him? I tend to see Oracle Nunu a lot in the ESL matches, where his sub job is to pick off enemy wards.

  3. Generally yes, blood boil lets him move around quite fast and a majority of them play him tanky so its not likely he'll get caught.

  4. I definitely get oracles mid to late game on Nunu, especially if you are going with the tanky build route. Once you get your GA and Banshees there are few things better than an Oracles to spend your gold on.

  5. Its a great counter ward tactic and the team that gets map control wins the game.
